Stone Town By Night

Stone Town By Night Urban/West region of the Zanzibar Island
3 Hours Guided Tour

This half day guided Tour of Zanzibar ancient city of Stone Town provides the living evidence of a rich cultural heritage, where Persian, Arab, Indian and European influences are blended with local African traditions.

The Tour includes the visit to Historical buildings elaborately carved wooden doors shaded by balconies, loggias and verandas line the narrow winding streets and are inviting visitors to get lost into this fascinating and unique World heritage cite by the evening hours where the head from the sun is going down due to the sunset.

The Tour also gives you a very unique opportunity to chill out on the Rooftop bar by the Sunset time so you can enjoy the beauty of Zanzibar Sunset while taking drinks at Stone Town Archipelago.

Finally, have a golden opportunity to do some shopping on art, crafts and souvenirs and learn how to bargain the best prices with the help of our precious guide who will be with you throughout the Tour.